Éloge de la caresse
François Solesmes
The eroticism that governs these pages, although it accepts every detail, every audacity, isn’t aiming to be scandalous. It simply tries to perceive through what mystery, a hand caressing skin (the hand of a man on the skin of the Eternal Lover) can awaken in us such a wave of desire, of images that have also been caressed at length, of unbelievable promises.
So we propose a voyage across the different landscapes of the female body, not a static inventory of the beauty and prestige of the flesh, but an active dreamscape in which every movement is dared, enhanced, filmed with the ceremonial precision that is the hallmark of all true devotion. François Solesmes knows no other religion than that of Love. For him, eroticism is nothing other than the name of an accomplishment that engages equally – and fully – both the body and the soul.