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Et au pire, on se mariera
Sophie Bienvenu

Before she met Baz, Aïcha, a 13-year-old who is madly in love with a man twice her age, was always furious. She dragged her broken childhood around with her as she tried to avoid her mother, smelly old men and the syringes in the park. But now that she’s in loves, she sees life differently. That’s why Aïcha would do anything for Baz, anything and everything. And ‘everything’ is what she’s supposed to tell the woman who is staring at her like she just stepped out of the pages of the newspaper. But listening to Aïcha’s tale means getting lost in the maze of her emotions. The confrontation is both funny and harrowing. With its raw, emotional language, Et au pire, on se mariera is like a cross between a novel, street theatre and sworn testimony.

In this long, truthful monologue, Sophie Bienvenu addresses the difficult subject of sexual relations between adults and minors in an explosive novel filled with red herrings.

Et au pire, on se mariera -
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  • Les Éditions Noir sur Blanc
  • Notabilia
  • Novel
  • Publication date : 02/01/2014
  • Size : 12,8 x 20 cm, 128 p., 13,00 EUR €
  • ISBN 978-2-88250-334-3
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