Isabelle Leymarie
  • The author, Isabelle Leymarie, pianist and musicologist, has taught jazz and Afro-Latino music history at several American universities. She has directed two films about Latino jazz, and produced a great number of radio shows, most notably for France Culture and France Musique.
    She is the author of several other books, including Musiques noires d’Amerique latine et des Caraïbes (Black Music from Latin American and the Caribbean) (Flammarion), Cuba et la musique cubaine (Cuba and Cuban Music) (Le Chêne), Musiques sud-americaines (South American Music) (Gallimard), Musique des Caraïbes (Caribbean Music) (Acte Sud), La Salsa et le Latin Jazz (Que sais-je) : Cuban Fire : The Story of Salsa and Latin Jazz (Bayou Press)

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