• Available eBook version
Pascal Janovjak

The narrator of this contemporary tale is a 35-year-old lawyer. He works in Luxembourg for a prestigious firm. Breathtaking salary. No love interests. No friends. A cleaning woman he never sees. He’s miserable, and considers himself so useless as to feel almost transparent. Pascal Janovjak takes this feeling literally. On a trip to Paris, the lawyer feels an inexplicable pain, first in his neck, then his arm. In his hotel room, he realizes that he has become perfectly invisible. Like H.G. Wells’s deranged hero! Wet marks on the carpet, a dent in the mattress… that’s all that’s left of him! From that point on, he begins to travel, seeking out easy sexual adventures. He roams, invisibly, from Sardinia to an unnamed region. Unpunished, he does whatever he pleases, and, freed from his complexes, takes an interest in humanity, which he used to believe he was above.

L’invisible -
  • Available material :
    Finished copy

  • Buchet/Chastel
  • Littérature française
  • Publication date : 27/08/2009
  • Size : 11,5 x 19,0 cm, 302 p., 17,25 EUR €
  • ISBN 978-2-283-02415-7
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Translation Rights sold

Slovakia, Slovakian, Post Scriptum

Front covers of the foreign editions