• Available eBook version
La Lettre de Buenos Aires
Hubert Mingarelli

Late in life, a man returns to Europe after having lived Buenos Aires. Over there, years ago, he wrote a letter to the son he has never met… A man lives alone by the sea; a melancholy mouse keeps him company… Two friends watch water flowing under a bridge – yet nothing will ever be the same... A ship docks in Port-au-Prince, but no one will be allowed to go ashore… In the icy cold, exhausted and starving, two men cross paths… Two brothers bound together for life undertake a perilous voyage by sea…

As he often does, Hubert Mingarelli tells tales of wandering. The surrounding world is threatening. Even if nature still contains beauty. Various characters are on the road. There are never very many of them. One, two or three. These stories are entirely possible, life-sized, rather than larger than life. Even the humblest lives possess their mysteries and their tragedies. Hubert Mingarelli reveals them to the reader with tact and poetry.
La Lettre de Buenos Aires -
  • Available material :
    Finished copy

  • Buchet/Chastel
  • Littérature française
  • Short stories
  • Publication date : 03/02/2011
  • Size : 11,5 x 19,0 cm, 192 p., 17,00 EUR €
  • ISBN 978-2-283-02486-7
Backlist of the author
  • La Terre invisible -
    Available eBook version
About the author