Le Bureau vide
Frank De Bondt
Marc Deleuze, the House’s HR Director, comes in one morning to find his office empty. The door has been removed. There’s nothing left but the carpet. Choosing not to give in, he soldiers through several months of thrilling resistance to the hostility, indifference and embarrassment of the men and women who were once his managerial colleagues in the Group. They’re trying to ignore him, but he sees everything with a fiercely lucid eye. Every day, he settles inside his four walls, alone with the plastic chair that took a lot of wrangling to get from the basement. In his empty, phone-less office, he reads the newspaper, or sits astride his chair as though he were on a balcony, watching top management – after a hostile takeover, Number One has replaced his friend Bertrand – walk by. Scoffing is a fascinating, but time-consuming, exercise. And killing time isn’t something you can just improvise either; it requires a serious sense of organization. But one fusion can be a smokescreen for another…