Le Silence des arcanes
Thierry Carmes
In this last volume of the Arcana trilogy, our hero, Matthias, continues his initiatory journey. In Tokyo, he gets lost in the treacherous maze of the Japanese metropolis: the Devil, obviously, awaits him; Kokketsu Kuroyama, the Organization’s new boss, and its lost soul, Kumonusu, the ninja assassin. But he also has to cope with former allies who have turned against him in a desperate attempt to bring the Great Game to a halt. He is more alone than ever: no more benevolent power to guide him on this final third of the path towards wisdom. What comes next is a voyage across a Japan that tourists never see, inspired by classic works from the fantasy genre. Occult powers dog him at every step. Believing he’ll find salvation in India, Matthias goes to Pondichery, following the path of Sri Aurobindo and Mère (the Moon): his dreams of purification and transcendence will be violently shattered. His last hope: Tibet and its secret monasteries where the secrets of the original game may lie. Mathias then travels through a China caught in a mad spiral of over-industrialization that it devouring its own young. Will he be able to count on Jeannette in this quest? On Esteranguy? What role will Tullia the traitor and her voodoo loas play? The trilogy comes to an end with The Silence of the Arcana: but is it the welcome, benevolent silence of the occult powers awakened by the Tarot, or the silence of death, after the destruction of the world? The suspense lasts until the very end of this page-turner!