Les Guerres modernes
racontées aux civils... et aux militairesPierre Servent
With the death of their soldiers in Afghanistan, the French were reintroduced to war. While World Wars are a thing of the past, in their place are purulent conflicts that we hesitate to label wars. Powerful modern armies (the USA in Iraq, Americans and Europeans in Afghanistan, Russia in Chechnya, Israel in southern Lebanon, etc.) don’t always carry the day. The post-invasion “victory” often drags on in asymmetrical battles in which the opponent, even in outnumbered and with less weaponry, is never entirely beaten. These crises settle in for the long haul, invading our screens without ever coming to a happy ending. These new wars take entire populations hostage. Cities become battlefields. Enemies advance masked: civilians by day, insurgents by night. Always willing to die for the cause. The combat is also played out on the fields of image and communication, and asks questions that we’re no longer want to consider: the meaning of life, death and commitment... Democracies’ convictions are put to the test. With numerous first-hand examples, previously unpublished tales, and striking portraits of soldiers and officers, essentially French and American, Pierre Servent’s book presents the new faces of war.