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Lulu is the young creator of a new animal species: Piscis detritivore – a novel kind of fish endowed with an incommensurable digestive system that feeds exclusively on trash. The marine creature can clean human-generated pollution from the seas and restore healthy balance. As Lulu daydreams about the fame and fortune his revolutionary invention could bring him, he thinks about the roots of his attachment to the ocean.

As an unusual, solitary child raised by a clumsy, overbearing single mom, he is bullied by his classmates and seeks refuge at the seashore. He tries his hand at collecting seashells and sea glass, being a naturalist and a beach cleaner, experiencing nature to the point of becoming one with it. A little prince of the sea, his path will cross that of a woman hunting for gold and a collector from a distant land. Then Vincent shows up, and his mother entrusts him with writing the secret of the story of Lulu’s father.

A poetical first novel, Lulu is also a fairy tale for everyone who loves freedom and the sea.

Lulu -
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  • Buchet/Chastel
  • Littérature française
  • Novel
  • Publication date : 18/08/2022
  • Size : 13 x 19 cm, 176 p., 16,50 EUR €
  • ISBN 978-2-283-03605-1
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