Te souviens-tu de moi?
Pierre Delerive
There are transgressions for which we can never pardon ourselves. A question of temperament, surely, but also a matter of culture. So we bear eternally, in the deepest part of ourselves, a pain that is the imprint of the one that we inflicted. When faced with this suffering, the possibility of falling in turn under the victim’s blows can procure hope of redemption, because the threat contains deliverance within it.
After having desperately convinced himself that he had no choice, and that, confronted with the same circumstances he would still make the same decision – i.e. denouncing his best friend to the Gestapo –, Louis Lesnais finally opts for forgetting. Time goes by, the war has been over for years, and, like him, his best friend managed to get out of Buchenwald alive. But it will take a single voice, an echo of the past, for the curtain to suddenly rise, for the projectors to light the stage once again, and for Louis to find himself confronted with the character he so desperately wishes he had never been…
Do You Remember Me? is a real adventure story – the adventure of a betrayed friendship. History with a capital H, suspense, plot twists and emotion… It has it all. With this new novel, Pierre Delerive confirms his talent and know-how.