Vers une libération amoureuse
Propositions romantiques, érotiques et politiquesYann Kerninon
The famous slogan Make love not war was a bit simplistic, but it still expressed an admirable ambition: sharing love and eroticism freely and enthusiastically rather than submitting bodies and souls to the alienation of war – be it for the sake of country, family or the economy.
Yann Kerninon’s goal in this book is to defend an updated version of that ambition. For him, eroticism (that blend of sexuality and amorous emotion) must be the foundation of the Liberation of both individuals and societies, and can also be the source of meaning in life.
Rejecting both the conformism of traditional couples and a pseudo-transgressive vision of sexual liberation (pornography, spouse swapping), the author elaborates a bold definition of love and the possibility of a Liberation of Love: bold because fully accepting the danger and incertitude that an encounter with another necessarily implies; the risk, the only one that can both destabilize and profoundly transform us – the only one, in a nutshell, that’s worth living. And the only one that is truly revolutionary.
Like a tightrope-walker, the one who loves moves both joyfully and carefully towards the unknown. To be lived fully, love can never be taken for granted and must always be “what we weren’t expecting”; the incertitude forces us to be fully and intensely human