Âpre monde
La Marche du rêveurFranck Bouysse
In this second book in the 'Dreamer’s Walk' trilogy, we find the hero back in the United States, on his adoptive Indian family’s land. Elias will go through a season of hell. Apre monde is the tale of his hibernation in the depths of winter. An endless winter in a cabin deep in the woods, after having gotten rid of any superfluous possessions he still had. vulnerable but determined, he defends himself in response to the onslaught of violence from his sworn enemy, Caryl Drumm. The thing is, lovely Elisa couldn’t resist Elias’s embrace. The two men won’t be fighting on a level playing field.
A noir novel bursting with passion and great open spaces that’s impossible to put down. A cross between a detective novel and nature writing.