This is more of a curiosity shop than a book, a collection of portraits by authors from different eras. From Rabelais to Céline, from Ronsard to the Surrealists, thousands of short texts paint a portrait of 99 animals. Poetry, fiction, cuisine, theatre and science cross paths to provide the reader with an experience that is both fun and educational, combining both fantasy and feeling, all through the depiction of everyday and much more unusual beasts. We learn that elephants kneel to mate, that Buffon and Jules Verne had already warned the world about the extinction of the whale. We discover that oysters lay 60,000 eggs each year, that they’re male in summer and female in winter, and that Requin [shark] and Requiem are the same word. The cat is an erratum of the mouse (Victor Hugo), and when the sparrow goes tweet it thinks it has said it all (Jules Renard). A thousand pictures by authors, a thousand discoveries and a thousand joys. The animals are classified alphabetically, and the texts in each section are presented in chronological order. This amazing animal theatre was imagined by Jean Réal and given form by Ich&Kar.
A multicoloured palette of words about animals, an original and personal selection of 183 authors who paint the portraits of 99 animals. Humour, poetry, information, there’s a surprise on every page. A book that can be picked up and consulted whenever you fancy. A timeless book that can be discovered alone or with friends and loved ones. A collection that allows readers to satisfy their curiosity or their fantasies.