• Available eBook version
Apologie de l’amour foudre
Philippe Ségur

At the airport in Cairo, on his way back from a trip to Egypt, Pratt Saker, a teacher of French literature in France’s Pyrenees Mountain region, near the Spanish border, meets Shesha El-Hassan, a bewitching woman with Lebanese roots who lives in Paris and is an expert in the Islamic art market. Aflame with an all-consuming passion, they begin a long-distance relationship, with Pratt coming to France’s capital every weekend, drunk on sensuality and romantic idealism. Shesha initiates him into games of love, contemporary art and the in places to go in Paris, in a headlong rush in which seduction, fierce independence and a frenzied hunger for pleasure intertwine.

Initially dazzled by her elegance, influence and the mystery Shesha enshrouds herself in, Pratt eventually comes to realize that she is entirely in control of their relationship. The awkward presence of one of her exes; her frequent business trips, inexplicable absences, sudden changes of mood and ambiguous jokes; her implicit at first, then more and more explicit statements reveal a woman who is both secretive and forthright, in love and free, and who refuses to consider the exclusive-couple model. Pratt gradually begins to feel that frustration, jealousy and emotional dependency are poisoning his mindset, leading him to despair.

Apologie de l’amour foudre is the tale of a luminous, anti-conformist woman animated by an urgent desire to live life to the fullest, and a man imprisoned by his illusions who will have to rip himself open in order to learn the deep, hidden meaning of love.

Apologie de l’amour foudre -
  • Buchet/Chastel
  • Littérature française
  • Novel
  • Publication date : 07/03/2024
  • Size : 13 x 19 cm, 320 p., 21,50 EUR €
  • ISBN 978-2-283-03900-7
Backlist of the author
  • La nuit nous sauvera -
    Available eBook version
  • Le Gang du biberon -
  • Le Chien rouge -
  • Extermination des cloportes -
  • Le Rêve de l’homme lucide -
  • Le Pouvoir monstrueux -
  • Vacance au pays perdu -
  • Seulement l’amour -
  • Écrivain (en 10 leçons) -
  • Poétique de l’égorgeur -
  • Autoportrait à l’ouvre-boîte -
  • Métaphysique du chien -
About the author