• Available eBook version
Vacance au pays perdu
Philippe Ségur

A graphic designer specialized in packaging for foodstuffs, a vegetarian tyrannized by his children, dreams of adventure far away. The day he finds out that the salads, mashed potatoes, spinach and pasta that he designs packaging for is bursting with pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics, he decides to break with the system and flee consumer society. He embarks with his best friend on a voyage that will lead him, far from the tourist-beaten trail to the last wonderland: Albania.
A reflection on the elusive nature of the real, Vacation in a Lost Land is our two heroes’ fluid, linear path through history. The humor – grating! – is what holds it all together. What space will be left for dreams in this era of “the world is over”? By the end of his travels, the narrator has discovered that Wonderland doesn’t exist. His dream has evaporated, leaving nothing more than a spiritual vacuum and a digestive tract in the place of an ideal.

How can we break away from the system? Exasperated by consumerism, the narrator decides to lift anchor and search for the last wonderland. Adventure is a wonderful thing indeed, but is it really a good idea to go looking for it overseas?!

Vacance au pays perdu -
  • Available material :
    Finished copy

  • Buchet/Chastel
  • Littérature française
  • Publication date : 21/08/2008
  • Size : 14 x 20,5 cm, 256 p., 18,25 EUR €
  • ISBN 978-2-283-02260-3
Backlist of the author
  • Apologie de l’amour foudre -
    Available eBook version
  • La nuit nous sauvera -
  • Le Gang du biberon -
  • Le Chien rouge -
  • Extermination des cloportes -
  • Le Rêve de l’homme lucide -
  • Le Pouvoir monstrueux -
  • Seulement l’amour -
  • Écrivain (en 10 leçons) -
  • Poétique de l’égorgeur -
  • Autoportrait à l’ouvre-boîte -
  • Métaphysique du chien -
About the author