• Available eBook version
Le Rêve de l’homme lucide
Philippe Ségur

Simon Perse is a bitter man. He has just left his wife and children to live alone in a tiny apartment. Perse has never slept much, and, following the advice of his psychoanalyst, with whom he has a complicated relationship, he decides to use this talent of his to give up sleeping entirely. The first few days, he feels euphoric and all-powerful. But gradually, starting from details, a sentence overheard… he begins to suffer hallucinations. In each one, Perse finds himself in an unknown world, at a different historical era. In these fluctuating worlds, there are just two constants: a woman, always the same one, but who goes by a different name, that he falls in love with; and a rival who systematically ends the hallucination by inflicting violent death upon him. A death that suddenly brings Perse back to real life. Aside from that unpleasantness, everything would be fine for a man who lives two days in every 24-hour period. Things get more complicated when a doctor informs Perse that he has a fatal neurological disorder and has only a month to live… and the woman who has been haunting him suddenly shows up in the real world…

Mid-life crisis, love story, suspense… this novel by Philippe Ségur offers a humorous and lucid portrait of our society. Refreshing!

Le Rêve de l’homme lucide -
  • Available material :
    Finished copy

  • Buchet/Chastel
  • Littérature française
  • Novel
  • Publication date : 05/01/2012
  • Size : 14 x 20,5 cm, 400 p., 20,30 EUR €
  • ISBN 978-2-283-02488-1
Backlist of the author
  • Apologie de l’amour foudre -
    Available eBook version
  • La nuit nous sauvera -
  • Le Gang du biberon -
  • Le Chien rouge -
  • Extermination des cloportes -
  • Le Pouvoir monstrueux -
  • Vacance au pays perdu -
  • Seulement l’amour -
  • Écrivain (en 10 leçons) -
  • Poétique de l’égorgeur -
  • Autoportrait à l’ouvre-boîte -
  • Métaphysique du chien -
About the author